Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014


How do you know when you’re in love with someone? Is it when he’s the first thing that comes into you mind when you wake up and the last thing that you think of before you go to sleep? Or is it when your heart melts every time he looks into your eyes? The truth is, the signs come in a thousand different ways.

When you’re having a really bad day and hearing his voice on the phone just makes it all go away.When all you want to do is listen to him talk passionately about his plans for the future. When you would sacrifice your shopping time just to cheer him up on the field. When a mention of his name makes you miss him so much. When all you want to do is staying up and taking care of him when he’s sick. When your face glows every time you meet himWhen even the way he laughs and eats and sleeps fascinate you. When you realize you can finish each other’s sentences. When you can recognize his perfume from miles away. When you laugh when he laughs. When you love seeing the reflection of yourself in his eyes.When you can’t stop smiling every time people talk about the two of you. When you remember him in your prayer. When you feel that he’s the only one who can understand you. When everything that makes him happy will make you happy, no matter how hurtful it is inside. When you’re often torn between your own egocentricity and your feelings for him. When really you’re mad at him but all you want to do is cry on his shoulder. When you can’t help glancing at him every other second as you’re both in the car and he’s seriously watching the traffic. When you actually enjoy the moment when he’s teasing you eventhough you’re pissed. When you dream of yourself being married to him with kids. When you want to be the woman who makes him coffee and puts on his tie every morning. When you’re seriously reconsidering the relocation because it means leaving him as you move to another countryWhen you find  his boyish whining attitude is endearing. When you find his snoring endearing. When you have your own nickname for him. When every time his name pops up in your inbox you smile. When you gladly wipes his sweat as he changes your flat tire. When you find his singing entertaining even though he can’t carry a tuneWhen you forget when was the last time his name doesn’t cross your mindWhen you can remember perfectly the sound of his funny laugh, his fake laugh, and his amused laugh. When he’s the only face you want to be on your 500 bucks Anya Hindmarch be-a-bag. When you would stay awake just to watch him sleep. When you’re seriously thinking of getting a tattoo of his name on your left hand. When he makes you happy and makes you cry at the same timeWhen you want him to always be your ‘imam’ when you’re praying. When you’re glad that you can be helpless sometimes because it means you can rely on his strong arms to help you.When being with him makes you want to be a better person. When everything could go wrong in the world and it’s okay, because he’s there, with you

Your love, 
putri fajrianti

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

This is my life, now!

Haiiiiiiiiiii,udah lama nih ga nulis. Kangen jugaa,maklum aja sekarang lagi ngejar pelajaran yang ketinggalan, untungnya kbm+ ditiadakan minggu ini. Sebenarnya udah beberapa kali juga mau nulis,tapi setiap tengah cerita selalu stuck,selalu mati ide ditengah cerita.
Kali ini puti pengen ceritain hidup puti yang sekarang. Udah bacakan tulisan-tulisan sebelum ini? yaa apalagi kalau bukan tentang mantan, hkhkk. Tapi sekarang puti udah moveon kok,udah bisa terima keadaan,udah bisa terima kalau dia balikan lagi sama mantannya,walaupun masih sakit sih. Tapi sekarang udah ada yang gantiin nih posisinya dihati,walaupun masih ragu sih atas perasaan itu sendiri. *sambil dengerin lagu ipang-hey*. Yang penting kalau ada didekat dia nyaman gitu,anaknya enak kocak,tapi bandel malas abisss pake z yaa jadinya abiz. Tapi sebenarnya anak ini kalau ga malas pinter, kata temennya dia pinter matematika waktu kelas 10 katanya tuntas terus kalau ada ulangan itu. Setiap kbm+ pasti minggat muluu. Sering bilang ke dia untuk berubah tapi ya pasti dijawab kek gini 'mau berubah kayak mana uni? jadi power ranger ?' hahaa ngakaak dan yaa langsung puti jawab kayak gini 'iyaa power ranger pink hahaa'. Ini anaknya baik banget kadang mau temenin puti ke koperasi kalau lagi bosen dikelas atau ga ke loker mau ngambil buku. Enak dong yaa punya teman yang care kayak gini hehee. Hmmm... I feel I like him wkwkk
Oh iyaa puti udah cerita belum ? Kalau disekolahan itu puti sering dipanggili 'uni' yaa mungkin karena puti dari ranah minang atau padang hehee. Teman sekelas puti care banget sama putii,puti juga care sama mereka, intinya puti sayang sma ipa4. Walaupun kami sering ada prokontra gitu tapi kami tetap kompak,buktinya kami sukses jalani pensi kemarin. Walaupun agak ancur sih terus juga laporannya juga belum selesai karena puti lagi males nih nulis laporannya,hikss. Pengennya disemangatin sama anak itu,hahaa. Kesannya ngarep banget ya sama tu anak,tapi gatau juga nih sebenarnya hati ini mau gimana,biarlah waktu yang ngejawab semua eaaaaa.
Enough dulu yaa cerita kali ini,pegel nihh tangaan. Nanti kalau ada waktu puti bakal ceritain tentang ipa4 yaa. Dan juga kalau puti udah real sama anak itu bakal puti post kok tentang diaa,banyak yang mau puti ceritain tentang anak itu hahaa

Selamat malam,
Putri Fajrianti.